Page 39 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 39
became member-activist of NJE Steering Committee and served as the NJE preacher
as well. Almost every district in North Sulawesi had already been visited 2 times and,
in which, the crusades had been performed twice as well. Most of the crusades were
well-organized and successful physically and spiritually. This was due to, in some parts,
Mr. Hein Watuseke’s background as ex. politician, deputy Head of PGPI and also
deputy Leader of ‘Majelis Daerah’ GPdI (Pentacostal Church in Indonesia), North
Sulawesi. This was also due to the contribution of Ps. Morris Watuseke, who had
supported and helped a lot in the field coordinations of the crusades under Mr. Hein
Watuseke management.
2005 – KKR (crusade) Motoling, Sulut (North Sulawesi)