Page 4 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 4
I. Pentavision of (I) NJE. 6
II. Pre-pandemic Evangelical Services of NJE. 7
II.1. Periods and Characteristics of Evangelization. 8
1. Historical Periods and Features of Evangelical Services 9
II.2. New Evangelical Features: Spreading the Evangelical Wing to ASEAN and
Neighbouring Countries. 87
2. The Transnational Mission Trips to ASEAN and the
Neighbouring Countries. 88
II.3. On the (Bi)Annual Gatherings and Evangelical Services. 114
3. Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gatherings 2014 – 2015. 115
4. Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gathering 2016. 121
5. Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gathering 2017. 135
6. Evangelical Services based on the Bi-Annual Gathering 2019. 150
III. Post-pandemic Evangelical Services of NJE. 186
III.1. On the Post-Pandemic Evangelical Services: Overseas Revival Mission Trips. 187
7. Friendship-Mission Trip to New Jersey and Oklahoma, USA, 2022. 188
III.2. On the Post-Pandemic Evangelical Services: Domestic Revival Mission Trips. 209
8. Restorative Mission Trip to Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2022:
The First Post-Pandemic Domestic Crusades to Donggala, Palu and Sigi. 210
IV. The Social Media and Administrative Issues. 216
9. On the Social Media, Website and Media Team. 217
Closing. 222