Page 58 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 58
In short, NJE Annual Gathering (Mukernas) began to proceed more formally
which became the extended activity of the meet-and-pray in the beginning of every
year. In average the number of the attendants in an annual gathering was circa 40-50
persons who came from some provinces and cities in Indonesia. At its peak NJE had
ever conducted the gathering with more than 70 participants and implemented the
program of more than 15 crusades in that year. Nevertheless NJE was permitted by
God to sail through ‘a big storm with big shakings and bumpings’ in the second period.
But Lord Jesus was with NJE, His protection and being with NJE made possible to get
through and away from the devastating storm, without a significant damage. All glory
to Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit forever and ever!
2. c. The Third Period:
Year 2014 – 2019 (3rd 6-year period).
The Domestic Crusades.
In this period Lord Jesus had made a change of evangelical paradigm again, the big
strikes of the massive crusades were to be left and the more concentrated-focused
small crusades were felt strongly and strongly in replacement of the massive ones and
that this condition were moving towards the stage of consolidation. The stage of
repentace in each crusade had changed into the stage of purification i.e. making more
mature and holy, in other words, from ’quantity-oriented harvest’ becoming ‘quality-
oriented harvest’. The change appeared to us as the pattern of preparation of ‘the
bride of Jesus’who needed to be brought into maturity, purified (holy) and conditioned
to be ready-and-deserving for the coming of the bridegroom. Shortly, the bride could
join the bridegroom when he comes (back).
In many crusades afterwards the number of healings had significantly dropped
and shifted to miracles of annointings and fillings of Holy Spirit. The praying-and-
handlaying in the altar calls which had formerly resulted in healings now yielded in
Holy Spirit fillings and annointings. Deliverances and freeing from devilish bondages or
the bindings of evil spirits emerged to take place more often.
The latest period of pre-pandemic era was also indicated by the acceleration of
the crusades implementation significantly i.e. from a large scale, massive and inertially-
slow becoming a small scale, light (compact) and lightly-fast. Another characteristics
was the implementation frequency i.e. number of crusades per month (year) from 1
(10-11) times becoming 2-3 (20-33) times. NJE team changed from the Big Team (8-12
persons) to Small Team (2-4 persons). Most of the crusades, instead of conducted on
fields, yards and city squares, at that time, were performed in church’s buildings. The