Page 113 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism
P. 113
bridge across the seemingly temporarily-happened flooded river under the torrential
rains were very classical and natural. All these special occasions in PNG had engraved
deeply on our memory. The wonderful Wandouw village, the crusade itself and the
people’s hungriness of the words of God had also occupied a special place in our
memory within the context of the whole long journey of NJE’s evangelization. Still not
to mention the unique experience of eating the rawly-roasted kangaroo meat, the
queer forestry nuts and cassavas, the hissing sounds and bitings of the big mosquitous
etc, in many other things, we had found that God was so good to us. Lord Jesus had
released us from many dangers, being lost and helpless in the jungle etc in the
unfriendly virgin jungle, dangerous forest rivers and hostile swampy areas. We believe
that this truly unique and unforgettable experience is very special case that so many
men of God and Christian people have never experienced in their lifes especially for
the city people. Hopefully this special testimony may also bring a special blessing to
the readers from Lord Jesus, the Great Pioneer and Leader of the Great Commission.
The Miscellaneous Items from the Third Period.
The third period was also signified uniquely by the ‘cadre in-preparation’ performed
by God which has materialized through a continuation of evangelization i.e. the joined
evangelical services between the first and the next generation. It is clear that God has
not withdrawn yet the first generation from evangelization instead He had renewed
the feathers and wings of the old eagles. At the same time God had trained, lifted up
and let to fly some young evangelists such as Ps. Adri Lamajido, Ps. Morris Watuseke
SE, M.Pdk and Ev. Daniel Andreano SE.
Surely God will place more and more men of God in the row of the preachers
who are annointed by Him. Not only that, in principle, in all readily-defined ministries
i.e. pastors, evangelists, teachers, prophets and apostles, the messengers of God from
many different nations will show up accordingly to gather and join (I)NJE in order to
fulfill the Great Commission together. The same thing will happen to many other
servants of God who will support (I)NJE in special prayings, administrative and financial
issues, coordinating and networking with many other men of God all over the world.
The miracle in Amritsar, North India, as observed and testified by the above-said
woman prophet from Amritsar indicated clearly the end of the second period and
simultaneously marked the beginning of the third period. This special sign gave insights
about the ministerial change (improvement) from Mozes-typed ministry to Spirit-
typed ministry.