Page 158 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 158

The sermon’s content referred by the above-mentioned opening words was titled as

            On the ‘Wise as Serpent’in the Triumvirate: Elisha, Jehu and Hazael.
            The sermon was based on 1 Kings 19: 9-18, 19-21 in principle but also referring to 2
            Kings 9: 1-37, 10: 1-36.

                    The complete content of the sermon is not given in this book, due to limited
            space, but can be found in a separate place in the INJE’s website with the following
            address:                         (to be established later).

            The plan of the Next NJE Annual Gathering.
            BALI, JANUARY 2017.

            On the New Policy from the Gathering’s Result.

            THE RESULT OF THE NJE ANNUAL GATHERING 2016 IN PUNCAK (8-9 January 2016).

            ●   Based on the changing pattern which has happened through out 2015 in NJE
                evangelisation and the principle and strategy of the 'speed and accuracy' then the
                distribution of the evangelical service locations have to become more evenly
                distributed. The number of locations is increased but the targeted locations must
                be more specific and focused while the evangelical service’s coverage area is
                shifted towards the eastern part of Indonesia.
            ●   In light of these developments, also in response to the new work pattern, the NJE
                leadership has put forward the thoughts on the need to find  a new additional
                basis city as a counterpart to Jakarta in the eastern part of Indonesia, to carry
                out the 2017 NJE National Assembly i.e. Annual Gathering at the beginning of
                next year.
            ●   The new basis city is to provide a more balanced condition for all NJE activists in
                accordance to the economic principle (distances of flying, sailing and land
                transporting). It must be able to reduce the transportation costs of the gathering
                participants from Eastern Indonesia and shift this cost burden to the participants
                from Western Indonesia i.e. the application of the principle of justice so as to
                create the better balances of travel cost and time and to establish the equality
                among NJE members.
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