Page 193 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 193

a. while it is still a day/there is khairos time let’s do God's work (John 9:4)

                  b. not by strength and might but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zech 4:6).

            Message and Impression from:
       Ps. DR. Drs. Hein Watuseke, M.Th

            The above testimony was given by Ps. Hein Watuseke, one of NJE leaders and a senior
            NJE activist but he is also a senior pastor in one of the churches of Pentacostal Church
            in Indonesia. One angle of the impression and message from a full-time servant of
            God has been provided. What about the other angles of view? Now what about
            impressions and messages of the other leaders and senior activists from part-timers
            with secular backgrounds?

                    The following writing and testimony were prepared by a professional in
            medical profession i.e. a doctor (physician) who has become a long-time NJE activist,
            one of the leaders, senior members and evangelists as well.

                  Each time we respond to God's call, it does not necessarily guarantee that
                  everything will go well, safely and smoothly without any disturbance. On the
                  contrary the opposite is often experienced such as ridicules, insults,
                  insinuations and various other unpleasant events that can make us
                  disappointed and discouraged. There were some people who said that before
                  becoming followers of Christ; their lifes were better, more comfortable and the
                  problems that existed were just ordinary problems. Unfortunately after
                  following HIM even more problems occurred and it seemed that life became
                  more difficult. I did experience such occasion which have made my heart
                  broken. I really felt that I was alone, abandoned and no longer passionate
                  about serving God. Such feelings took place especially when you were still at
                  the beginning of your ministry with the baby-like spiritual life and not
                  understanding much about His word. Soon this condition could bring you into a
                  desperate situation. But He did not let this happening. Yes, there was His help,
                  His readily-given joy, His timely-given strength while still hoping and focusing
                  on God and His Word. I truly experienced His touch and His visitation as
                  something flowing in my heart when I entered into His presence. And this
                  happened as an urge to do so in praise and worship that made me calm again
                  and totally restored and refreshed.Trust that He who has called each of us in
                  His plan, is obedient and will surely fulfill His promises. Stay faithfully to serve
                  Him according to His calling, no matter what the problem is. HE, the faithful
                  God, always sustains, helps, comforts and be with us. Amen!

            Message and Impression from:
            Dr. Benny Gozali
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