Page 218 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 218

The Performed Domestic Crusades in 2019-2020 by Location

            Year 2019 : Locations of the Performed Crusades

                    The implementation of the planned crusades in year 2019 were satisfactorily
            performed with the number of rusades per year was close to the average number of
            10 locations/year. The list of cities (towns) where the domestic crusades were
            implemented is given below.

            Koreksi 1: Chart ‘based on Location’: chart terdiri atas 8 sector dg 7 nama province
            sedangkan seharusnya 9 sector dan 9 nama province. Jumlah sector kurang 1 yakni
            utk NorthSulawesi (42%) dan yg 8% adl North Sumatra. Perlu gbr ulang. Daftar
            province kurang North Sulawesi n North Sumatra. (Mhn Esy utk settle ini).
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