Page 22 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 22

one crusade was done for one province. By the end of the year 2003 in all provinces
            of Indonesia at least ‘one crusade for one province’ had been successfully done for
            the glory of His name. Another milestone is the generation of ‘Meet-and-Pray’ i.e.
            Annual Gathering at the beginning of each year. Later on this gathering was
            developed further and became the basis for the so-called ‘Musyawarah Kerja
            Nasional (Mukernas)’ or National Evangelisation Program Gathering (NEPG) in the
            following years. Moreover, the significant improvements in NJE’s financial conditions
            in the middle of the formerly-shaken national economic conditions which were still
            struggling to raise at that time from the ruins and destructive effects of the Asian
            Economic Crisis 1997-1998 had successfully demonstrated “God’s being together with
            the evangelising disciples” (Matthew 28: 19-20). Thus, God has proven the fulfillment
            of His Promise and Guarantee to His disciples on the obeying and implementing the
            Great Commission. Hallelujah! Praise the Almighty God!

            1999 – Blawong Village, Temanggung, Central Java
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