Page 268 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 268

of implementing the Great Commission i.e. domestic and overseas mission trips and
            evangelical services.

                    As previously mentioned INJE consists of all mission trips and evangelical
            activities i.e. crusades, Sunday church and, sometimes, familial (home) ministries
            abroad i.e. outside of Indonesia (of course when data is available).  In addition, some
            domestic crusades in the past of special values or with added values were also
            included. These were the crusades performed in some unique, isolated and
            interesting areas, and also in some soccer fields, city squares, public buildings etc
            with thousands of attendants. Such typical crusades may, in one or the other thing,
            resemble similar crusades in some countries in Africa, some Asian and Latin-American

                    Comments on the crusades, if any, were given in English.
                    On the other side the existing NJE media in Facebook would continue to
            consist of the domestic crusades and seminars in churches, trip and journey
            conditions, cities (towns) visited and other related activities.

            (I)NJE Website.
            The website for (I)NJE will be established in the soonest possible time after the
            satisfactory result of the evaluation of christian people responses to INJE.

                    Some e-books, (I)NJE Bulletins and sermons etc in both Indonesian and
            English can be freely downloaded. Of course, the website will principally be bi-lingual.

            The (I)NJE Media Team.

            The last but not the least was the teams responsible for making all these electronic
            media i.e. e-books and social media (Facebook and Instagram) whom we have called
            the book and fbnje teams. In order to be able to work productively some supporters
            had to back them especially in data, pictures, videos collection. Coordination with
            some of NJE regional coordinators who live in different islands (outside Java) had also
            to be performed by two caretakers.

                    The following photos showed both teams which were grouped into the
            so-called the NJE Media Team whose names were listed at the front page of the book.
            Beside them the pictures also include some of the media supporters and caretakers.
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