Page 35 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 35

stagerringly with the pendulum-like swaying body. In the beginning her body swayed
            to the right and left as she moved forward slowly and appeared to near-falling in her
            every step. As she walked back and forth on the stage she finally could walk in the
            morestraight manner and stabilized way. Glory to God and praise to Lord Jesus Christ!
            The crusade was coordinated by Ps. Adri Lamajido, as the chief of local committee
            and NJE member-activist as well (until now).
            The last but not the least for crusade example was the one performed in Simalungun
            Atas, North Sumatra, with number of attendants more than 7000 people in 2007. God
            demonstrated again His love and power to His people in North Sumatra. In this
            crusade a blind man and a mute man got healed by God. All the glory to Lord Jesus
            Christ! Finally, in short, almost all districts in North Sumatra had ever been visited and
            served evangelically by NJE in the Second Period and mostly liased (or coordinated)
            by him as well.

            February 2006: Crusade in Kota Perdagangan, North Sumatra - A limb woman was healed and
            able to walk.
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