Page 44 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 44

Beside North Sumatra, the next provinces which got and experienced God’s
            visit, touching and pouring His love and power extraordinarily were North and Central
            Sulawesi. A different kind of miracle happened in this city in 2004. NJE first crusade in
            North Sulawesi took place in the city of Amurang which was attended by
            approximately 2000-2500 persons. With the venue in an eye-catching public building
            in the middle of the city the mobilization of people was strikingly successful. Many
            Christian people from many congregations in the surrounding villages came by so
            many trucks in such a way that their number was exceedingly passing the capacity of
            the buildings and the surrounding streets. Trucks did come, not at once, but in many
            stages. Unfortunately, after the building and its entouring garden were already fully
            occupied there were still many trucks to come. Since trucks were parked along the
            street surrounding the crusade place and the unloaded passengers could not enter
            even the garden of the building they had to stay on the street or remain on the
            trucks. Very soon, all the surrounding streets were full with people who wanted to
            join the crusade. Many of the crusade attendants whose trucks were late to come to
            the place could not enter at all and they had to remain on the trucks while hearing
            the sermon until the crusade finished. The Head of PGPI (Persatuan Gereja-Geraja
            Pantekosta Indonesia – The Union of Pentacostal Churches of Indonesia) North
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