Page 82 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 82

The emergence of the annointings for the (very) young people did not take
            place only in the special occasion like the above mentioned meeting and swept many
            teenagers in the congregation in general. A more unique and specially-chosen
            teenager can also be annointed and filled by Holy Spirit for a special divine purpose.
            God may call someone very early when one is still in his/her childhood like Samuel.
            The early-aged annointing may happen to anyone whom God has chosen. This
            occasion had also happened in NJE many years ago. The young NJE evangelist, Ev.
            Daniel Andreano S.E., was called, touched and annointed by God when he was still a
            teenager of 16-year old. He started his first mission trip when he joined NJE Team
            which would perform the crusade in Air Madidi, North Sulawesi, under the
            coordination of Mr. Dr. Drs. Hein Watuseke M.Th. Daniel served his first service as the
            intepreter of the Malaysian pastor who delivered the words of God in the crusade.
            Later on he also accompanied and assissted Ps. Hein W who got the task to preach in
            NJE-arranged crusades in small towns near Semarang and Salatiga, Central Java. From
            these few evangelical services God led him to preach in many towns, cities and
            provinces even abroad.
                  As an example of his evangelical service one could mention the NJE crusade in
            the small islands of Kahakitang and Mangehetang, Sangihe, in September 2017. The
            islands were the members of the Sangir-Talaud group of islands in the Pacific Ocean
            at the north of Manado city. One had to fly 1-hour by a small aeroplane or sail several
            hours by a long ship from Manado to the city of Talaud. Upon the arrival one had to
            continue the trip by taking a speedboat for 3-hour journey through a rather rough
            sea. The sailing by the speedboat was not comfortable in the part with big waves and
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