Page 91 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 91

With Ps. Hendro, the team and the Port of Sabang.

                  Another milestone was the mission trip to Merauke and the East Null Point of
            Sota (the town near the border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea-PNG). The
            crusades were conducted in Merauke, under the coordination of Ps. Jeffrey
            Rengkung. One of the crusades was done in the Bible Seminary of Pentacostal Church
            in Indonesia (GPdI) in Merauke. The other crusade was performed in the Bethel
            Church of Indonesia (GBI). While Sota was used for the transit place for the team
            when travelling across the border to enter the area of PNG for the friendship-mission
            trip to Wandouw, PNG.

            2017: Crusades in Merauke and Sota, Papua – The iconic tower of Sota and the GPdI Bible
            Seminary in Merauke and GPdI church in Sota.
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