Page 153 - uji coba EBook INJE tahap 2
P. 153

In year 2015 the number of performed crusades was increased significantly to
            42 locations compared to 21 locations in 2014 i.e. 100 % increase. The key to this
            jumping achievement was due to the work of Ps. Ferry A. Bella who coordinated the
            significant number of crusades in West (9), East (2) and South (3) Kalimantan i.e. total
            of 14 locations of 42 domestic locations. He also completed 5 overseas crusade
            locations so that in total he performed completely 19 locations of 47 locations which
            was almost half i.e. the excellent achievement.
                    The province with maximum share of number of crusade locations with
            respect to the total domestic crusade locations (42), or total crusade locations of 47,
            was West Kalimantan. The second province after West Kalimantan was Papua with 5
            crusade locations which were coordinated by Ps. Jeffry Rengkung.

            Koreksi: 2. Tabel 2015 di bawah ini:
            Utk tabel: ada kesalahan utk North Maluku: Dolfi Mingkid karena pak Dolfi tdk
            pernah ke Maluku bersama NJE. Mungkin yg dimaksud ialah Ps. Steven Polii (dan Ps.
            Farly Masengi). 2. Chart ‘based on province’ tidak menuliskan West Kalimantan sbg
            prov dg capaian terbesar (22%). 3. Chart ‘based on reference’ pada porsi 17% tertera
            a/n Dolfi M sebenarnya terpecah jadi Dolfi M dan Steven Polii. (7% dan 10%).
            Akibatnya: jumlah sector dari 8 menjadi 9 dan porsi terbesar kedua adlh 12% Papua.
            4. Crusades/Seminar tambahkan ‘s’ pada seminar shg jadi: Seminars. (Mhn bantuan
            Esy utk settle ini).
            Penting: Apakah tabel dan chart di bawah benar2 Implemented crusades year 2015,
            karena yg ini sudah ada di Mukernas 2016 Puncak: List of Implemented Crusades
            (Domestic n Overseas) 2015? Mungkin yg di bawah ini adalah: Jadwal KKR-SEMINAR
            2015 (Planned-and-Scheduled Crusades & Seminars in Year 2015). Namun terdapat
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