Page 272 - uji coba EBook INJE tahap 2
P. 272
Mr. Hartanto was called by God and baptized under the name of Timothy and then
served Him as evangelist in 1994 at the age of 42-year old. He started to arrange
crusades i.e. KKR - Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani (in Indonesian) and to preach the
Gospel in Jakarta and its satellite cities, and Central Java as well in the first several
years. The evangelical works had been done in conjunction with Ps. Ronny Manuhutu
under the supervision of Ps. Silas Bella, and later on under Ps. Jan Pelamonia together
with Ps. Jacob Nahuway, the former head of Gereja Bethel Indonesia – GBI (Bethel
Church of Indonesia).
After joining the missionary body so-called Mission Care for 1 (one) year he
quitted Mission Care and then, together with his wife Mrs. Ruth R. Dewi and the late
Ps. Tommy Maukar, he established an evangelical group under the ministerial name
New Jerusalem Evangelism (NJE) in the year 1999. NJE has performed the evangelical
activities all over Indonesia ever since. Crusades had been conducted in each
province of Indonesia, ranged from the most western city of Sabang to the most
eastern city of Merauke. Each province had been served for one to many times,
including the new provinces developed during the Indonesian Reformation Era. The
crusades were arranged and done based on the ‘for all churches’ principle where the
local KKR committees had been formed by several local churches of different
denominations. Most crusades were conducted in public spaces until 2013 such as
city squares, soccer and school fields, malls and public buildings with thousands of
attendants and also in churches as well especially after 2013.
In doing so NJE had already worked with many church denominations such as
Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia (GPdI), Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI), Gereja
Protestan Indonesia Barat (GPIB), Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia (GKMI), Gereja
Bethel Indonesia (GBI), Gereja Bethel Tabernakel (GBT), Gereja Pemberita Injil
(Gepembri), Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP), Gereja Pantekosta Indonesia (GPI),
Gereja Tuhan Di Indonesia (GTDI) etc.
On top of the domestic crusades in Indonesia some overseas crusades have
also been conducted in the neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, India,
New Zealand and Fiji Republic, and Papua New Guinea too. The latest friendship
mission trip was to USA.
Besides serving God as an evangelist, Mr. Hartanto had ever worked as the
professional (civil) engineer (member of Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia - PII:
Association of Indonesian Engineer) and entrepreneur. He had also contributed as the
visiting researcher in the Grup Fisika Teoritis Indonesia – GFTI (Indonesian Theoretical
Physics Group) at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI (Indonesian Institute of