Page 74 - uji coba EBook INJE tahap 2
P. 74

In short, NJE Annual Gathering (Mukernas) began to proceed more formally
            which became the extended activity of the meet-and-pray in the beginning of every
            year. In average the number of the attendants in an annual gathering was circa 40-50
            persons who came from some provinces and cities in Indonesia. At its peak NJE had
            ever conducted the gathering with more than 70 participants and implemented the
            program of more than 15 crusades in that year. Nevertheless NJE was permitted by
            God to sail through ‘a big storm with big shakings and bumpings’ in the second
            period. But Lord Jesus was with NJE, His protection and being with NJE made possible
            to get through and away from the devastating storm, without a significant damage.
            All glory to Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit forever and ever!

            2.c. The Third Period:
            Year 2014 – 2019 (3rd 6-year period).
            The Domestic Crusades.
            In this period Lord Jesus had made a change of evangelical paradigm again, the big
            strikes of the massive crusades were to be left and the more concentrated-focused
            small crusades were felt strongly and strongly in replacement of the massive ones
            and that this condition were moving towards the stage of consolidation. The stage of
            repentace in each crusade had changed into the stage of purification i.e. making more
            mature and holy, in other words, from ’quantity-oriented harvest’ becoming
            ‘quality-oriented harvest’. The change appeared to us as the pattern of preparation of
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