Page 5 - หนังสือรายงานสถิติคดีภาคภาษาอังกฤษ e-book
P. 5


                   The Annual Judicial Statistics, Thailand 2020 (B.E. 2563) is a

           compilation of judicial statistics from the Courts of Justice
           nationwide, including the Supreme Court, appellate courts, courts

           of first instance throughout the kingdom and other interesting
           works for the benefits of administration, study, reference,

           analyzing and research. This statistics does not only reflect an
           aspect of the Thai society which is part of information on the Thai

           justice system, but also can be useful in solving social problems to
           a certain extent. In addition, it is aimed at benefiting organization

           including external organizations and those who are interested in
           regardless of whether they work for the Office of the Judiciary.

                   Finally, the Office of the Judiciary would like to convey our
           gratitude to every court and Judicial Offices of Regions I - IX for

           their cooperation resulting in a success as aimed.

                                                       Office of the Judiciary
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