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Why Should You

            Invest in Real Estate in 2021?

                                                                                                                                      Warren Buffett: Do the Research                     Bill Gross: Have Conviction

                                                                                                                                    Warren Buffett is  widely considered to be the   Bill  Gross is the  co-founder  of PIMCO.  He
                                                                                                                                                                                     managed  the PIMCO  Total Return  Fund,  one  of
                                                                                                                                    most successful investor in history. Not only is
                 W       hat you invest in depends on your risk profile. Despite proven to be satisfying and lucrative,              he one of the richest men in the world, he also   the largest bond funds in the world, and was the
                                                                                                                                                                                     firm's  chief  investment  officer  before  leaving  in
                         real estate investing is not the easiest option for beginners. Last year was a tough one for
                                                                                                                                    has had the financial ear of numerous presidents
                         almost  all  property  sectors. While most  property  consultants believe  recovery  is  on the
                                                                                                                                    quality of the company, then at the price. Read
                 horizon, it will depend on the Covid-19 vaccine as well as the performance of the job market and                   and world leaders. His advice is to first look at the   2014. A universal rule that most young investors
                                                                                                                                                                                     know is diversification, i.e. don't put all of your
                 economy.                                                                                                           financial  statements,  listen  to  conference  calls,   investing capital into one name.
                                                                                                                                    and vet the management.  Only  after you have
                 Is investing in real estate worth it in 2021? Here are the top reasons why you should include real estate          confidence in the quality of the company should
                 in your investment portfolio.                                                                                      the price be evaluated.

                  Lower Risk                                    Less Market Fluctuations                                                                      LEARN FROM 4 OF THE

                  Real estate is a physical asset. Land holds its   When the economy  takes a  downturn,  real                                 WORLD’S TOP  INVESTORS
                  value and its price increases over time because   estate investments are more resilient to
                  there  is  a  limited supply.  Because its    changes  in the economy  compared to  stocks
                  performance isn’t completely dependent on its   and bonds as people still need a place to stay.
                  managers, real  estate investments are  of  a   Instead of buying a property, more people may
                  lower risk investment compared to stocks. With   start to rent. In turn, higher demand in rentals
                  the current condition of the market, real estate   will bring up your cash flows. If the economy
                  prices may have already hit rock bottom, hence   does well, property prices increase and you will
                  it is a good time to secure your investment now.  see higher appreciation on your real estate.

                  Competitive Returns                           Attractive Financing

                  Malaysia  is a  renowned  travel destination.  It   If  you want  to grow your investments at  a
                  surpassed   a   landmark   of  20   million   quicker rate, you can choose to borrow money
                  international  tourist arrivals  in 2019; an   to fund your investments. Stocks are at a higher
                  increase of 3.7% compared to the same period   risk,  so  your borrowing rates  and margin                              Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal:                             Dennis Gartman:
                  prior to the year before.  The country  has   requirements tend to be higher. On the contrary,                                Patience Is Key                                  Let Winners Run
                  immense potential to entice even more tourists   real  estate  has  a  lower risk  because  it  is  a
                  once the border is reopened and the pandemic   physical asset that holds  its  value. With the                    Well known in the investing  world,  Prince      Dennis Gartman began publishing The Gartman
                  is contained. The positive growth of the tourism   recent  financing  schemes  introduced  by  the                 Alwaleed  owns chunks  of private and public     Letter, a  daily  commentary  of global capital
                  sector  will in turn  create  a demand  for more   government, you also tend to pay less and are                  companies in the US, Europe and the Middle East   markets in 1987.  He is also an accomplished
                  investment properties to  host the tourists,   in a better position to secure your property.                      through  Kingdom  Holding  Co. Holdings  include   trader  and  a  frequent  guest  on  financial
                  hence higher returns from rental income.                                                                          stakes in Lyft, Twitter, Citigroup,  and Four    networks. He addresses  a number  of mistakes
                                                                                                                                    Seasons Hotels  &  Resorts.  When others have    young investors make. First, don't sell at the first
                                                                                                                                    sold, Prince Alwaleed did what many of the best   sign  of  profits;  let  winning  trades  run.  Second,
                  2021 might just be the year for you to start investing in property. Real estate can seem scary, but our           investors do to  amass  their riches:  hold their   don't let a losing trade get away. What is more
                  experienced  team  at  NCT  Group is  here  to  help you out.  From  working with  world-class  hotel             investments.                                     important is to let a winning trade run and get out
                  management to our very own hospitality brand, we are ready to do the heavy lifting for your next                                                                   of a losing trade quickly.
                  property investment.
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