P. 22
Write a text expressing your opinion about the following issues then present it
verbally !
a. The negative impact of cellphones on teenagers
b. The positive impact cellphones on teenagers
B. Key Answer Evaluation
Competence test
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. C
Alternative answer
1. In my opinion the positive impacts of cellphones on the lives of
teenagers include: to communicate with friends and family, seek
information from various parts of the world, add insight, add friends
because there is social media that makes it possible to make friends with
various people in the world, as a calculating tool to replace a calculator
if you don't have one. calculators, taking pictures or photos for study
materials and for entertainment such as listening to music, watching
movies and playing games.
2. I think the negative impacts on adolescents, including: disturbing the
concentration of learning because they always think about mobile
phones so they don't focus when studying at school or studying at
home, reducing direct interaction with friends and family because
cellphones bring those who are far away and away from those who are
near, reduce pocket money because the cost of buying credit or quotas
is quite expensive, making teenagers lazy to do physical activities such
as exercising or doing work at home such as washing clothes, washing
E- Modul Opinion and Thought Grade XI. By Ni Kadek Noni Santiari 16