Page 8 - Open House Flip Book 5.2.20
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Hellenic Classical Charter School Curriculum – S.I        Kindergarten - Gr. 2

                 English Language Arts    Columbia University Reading and Writing Project
                 (Reading, Writing Speaking,   Reading Workshop:
                                          Units of Study; Emergent Reading, Word Solving, Fiction, Nonfiction,
                                          Writing Workshop:
                    •   Balanced Literacy   Units of Study; Narrative, Realistic Fiction, Opinion, Poetry,
                    •   Workshop Model    Informational writing
                    •   Paideia (Socratic   Phonics/Word Study: Teachers College Phonics Program, Fundations
                 Math                     Math Workshop:
                                           GO MATH
                    •   Workshop Model
                    •   Math Talks
                    •   Math Centers
                    •   Paideia (Socratic
                 Science                  Science Workshop:
                                          Scientific Inquiry/Engineering Process
                    •   Workshop Model     HMH Science Dimensions
                    •   Science Labs
                    •   Paideia(Socratic
                 Social Studies           Social Studies Workshop:
                                          NYC DOE program Passport to Social Studies Students are
                    •   Workshop Model    encouraged  to think like historians, to raise questions, think critically,
                    •   Paideia (Socratic   consider many perspectives, and gather evidence in support of their
                        Seminar)          interpretations

                                          The units also align with the New York State K-8 Social Studies
                 Technology/STEM          Coding – Scratch Junior,
                                           Project Lead the Way (PLTW) – Project Based Learning
                 Greek - Enrichment classes   HCCS students will learn to read, write, speak, and understand Greek
                                          beginning in Kindergarten.
                                          Beginning with simple words and phrases first, then sentences and
                                          readings. Each lesson contains a vocabulary of new words and many
                                          idiomatic phrases translated into English.
                                          Singing, games and plentiful opportunities for conversation and
                                          practice are integral components of Greek Instruction.
                                          Greek Culture -  Aesop’s Fables, Mythology,
                                           Greek Folk Dancing
                 Physical Education       Physical education programming at HCCS is divided into five main
                                          activities: Health Related Fitness, Individual Athletic Activities, Team
                                          Physical Activities, Dance, and Cooperative Games
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