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P. 11

This Villa has four main floors to answer the needs of
                                                                            The basement floor; is serving some semipublic
                                                                            functions  like  a  multipurpose  hall  for  family  parties
                                                                            and ceremonies that is benefiting from a green back
                                                                            yard to bring the natural lighting and fresh air to the
                                                                            basement,  plus  some  service  functions  like  a  bar,
                                                                            kitchen, Wc for the guests and one mechanical room
                                                                            for the entire villa.
                                                                            The ground floor and first floor are working almost
                                                                            as a separated villa in side the heart of complex, On
                                                                            the ground floor designer considered to have the
                                                                            main living room, dining room with the double height

 first floor :                  second floor (bacheloor house) :                  voided roof, main kitchen, service kitchen, the owners
 1.main core                    6.guest room  1.main core            master bed room, guest Wc and accesses to the main room        room                 7.jacuzzi on balcony  core and elevator. The ground floor and first floor are
 3.reading room             8.double void   3.dining room               8.balcony   working almost as a separated villa in side the heart
 4.kitchenette                 9.balcony
 5.girls master bed rooms  5.boys master bed rooms                          of complex, On the ground floor designer considered
                                                                            to have the main living room, dining room with the
                                                                            double height voided roof, main kitchen, service
                                                                            kitchen, the owners master bed room, guest Wc and
                                                                            accesses to the main core and elevator.
 10 ARCHE                                                                                          ARCHE    11
 LANDSCAPE BROCHURE                                                                                LANDSCAPE BROCHURE
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