Page 6 - Together Women Rise Chapter Brochure
P. 6

What Happens at a Chapter?

     Our chapter model is flexible. Each chapter tailors
     its gatherings to fit the needs and preferences of
     its members. Many of our chapters meet in homes,
     while others meet in their place of worship, campus
     dining halls, or company breakrooms. Most of our
     chapters gather monthly and share a potluck-style
     meal together, often enjoying traditional recipes of the
     featured country. Others forego the meal for a simpler
     gathering, and still others meet virtually on platforms
     such as Zoom, connecting family, friends, even
     college alumni from all parts of the country.

     While chapters are unique and gatherings flexible,
     some aspects are common to all. No matter where or
     how they gather, members connect, learn, and give
     to support and create widespread change. Along the
     way, many chapters develop close friendships, as
     members learn, grow, and change the world together.

         Collective Impact

         By harnessing the power of coming
         together, we provide an easy and
         accessible way for anyone to make
         a powerful impact on global gender
         equality. There are no membership
         dues and no minimum donation
         to be part of our community. Each
         Together Women Rise chapter member
         gives what they choose knowing we
         value all contributions and levels of
         engagement. It is a flexible way for
         busy people to make connections and
         change lives!
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