Page 4 - FOCUS-Fall 2022-FINAL_HI
P. 4
Engaging WITH THE
This issue of Focus is about the next generation who is Srs. Mary Shimo, Fran Gorsuch, Rose Marie Jasinski
helping to carry forth the sisters’ legacy and charism of and I also had the privilege of attending the Leadership
healing, compassion and liberation. Throughout our Conference of Women Religious in St. Louis, Missouri.
history, we have always known how important it is to There were a variety of speakers presenting an
reach out to young people whether through our nursing underlying theme of planning for the future.
schools, vocation efforts or our support of programs such
as Sisters Academy of Baltimore. In recent years, we have A highlight for me this past summer was going
formalized two ministries directly aimed at the next on an International Heritage Retreat in Paris with
generation, our volunteer ministry program in Baltimore Srs. Pat Dowling and Ji Kyung Choi as well as our
and Richmond and our young adult program, which has sisters from other countries. It always fills me with
recently expanded internationally under the leadership awe to be at the Motherhouse and tour the places in
of Nicholas Stein. Please enjoy the personal stories in this France where our Congregation began. While we
issue about how the sisters’ mission has impacted the were there, we also met Srs. Mireille and Patience,
lives of these young people. two transfer sisters from the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, and Perpetua Madu from Nigeria,
In the spring, the sisters held the midterm assembly, and a pre-candidate who was spending time at our
one of the most important decisions that came out of the Motherhouse. Following the retreat, I stayed in
assembly was the Sisters of Bon Secours’ approval of the Paris for the Congregation Team meeting.
USA Laudato Si’ goals. Many of our sisters came from
other countries, gathering in person for the first time since People have been wondering who received the Josephine
the COVID-19 pandemic began. It was wonderful seeing Potel Award this past year. The answer is all our
each other face-to-face again. The midterm assembly gave employees are award winners. It was decided that every
us an opportunity to hear reports from all our committees employee deserved the award this year, as they coped
and share our progress on our 2019 Chapter goals. so beautifully and generously with all the disruptions