Page 103 - The snake's pass
P. 103

                ON KNOCKNACAR.         —— "
   track of the movement—unless it were built on the rock
   would go down like a ship in a storm.  Go down solid
   and in a moment, without warning and without hope  !
    " Then with such a neighbour as a shifting bog, the
   only  safe place for  a house would be on a  rock."
   Before my eyes, as I spoke, rose the vision of Murdock's
   house,  resting on  its knoll  of  rock, and I was glad
   for one reason that there, at least, would be safety for
   Joyce—and his daughter.
    " Exactly  ! Now Murdock's house  is  as  safe  as  a
   church.  I must look at his new house when I go up
    As I really did not  care about Murdock's  future, I
   asked no further questions  so we  sat  in silence and
   smoked in the gathering twilight.
    There was a knock at the door.  I called " Come in."
   The door opened slowly, and through a narrow opening
   Andy's shock head presented itself.
    " Come in, Andy  ! " said Dick.  " Come here and try if
   you can manage a glass of punch  !
    11  Begor  ! " was Andy's sole expression of acquiescence.
   The punch was brewed and handed to him.
    " Is that as good as Widow Kelligan's ? "  I asked
   him.  Andy grinned  :
    " All punch is good, yer 'an'rs.  Here's both yer good
   healths,  an'  here's  ' The  Girls  '  an' —turning  to me,
   "  ' the  Bog.' "  He winked, threw up  his hand—and
   put down the empty glass.  " Glory be to God " was his
   grace after—drink.
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