Page 155 - The snake's pass
P. 155

VANISHED.           143
  Sutherland has any act or part, good or bad—large or
  small—in  that  dirty  ruffian's  dishonourable  conduct,
  that he  is either a knave or a fool—at any rate he  is
  a  liar  !  Dick  is simply a man of science engaged by
  Murdock, as any other man of science might be, to look
  after some operations in regard to his bog."
    Andy's comment was made sotto voce, so I thought  it
  better not to notice  it.
    " Musha  ! but the bogs iv  all kinds  is  gettin' mixed
  up quarely.  Here's another iv them.  Misther Dick is
  engaged to luk afther the bogs.  An'  so he does, but
  his eyes  goes wandherin' among thim.  There does be
  bogs iv all kinds now all over these  parts.  It's quare
  times we're in, or I'm gettin' ould  !
    With this Parthian shaft Andy took himself down the
  hill, and presently I saw the good effects of his presence
  in stimulating the workmen to more ardent endeavours,
  for they all leaned on their spades whilst he told them
  a long story, which ended in a tumult of laughter.
    I might have enjoyed the man's fun, but I was in
  no laughiDg humour.  I had got anxious long ago because
  she had not visited the  hill-top.  I looked  all round,
  but could see no sign of her anywhere.  I waited and
  waited, and the time truly went on leaden wings.  The
  afternoon sun smote the  hill-top with  its  glare, more
  oppressive always than even the noontide heat.
    I lingered on and lingered still, and hope died within
    When six o'clock had come I felt that there was no
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