Page 197 - The snake's pass
P. 197

              IN THE CLIFF FIELDS.    185
   cross Dick on the way, so that I might see Norah and
   get her answer without anyone knowing  of my  visit.
   Having so made up my mind, I turned my steps towards
   Eoundwood, and when I arrived there in the evening
   sent a wire to Dick  :
    "Walked here, very tired; sleep here to-night;  pro-
   bably return to-morrow."
    The long walk did me good, for it made me thoroughly
   tired, and that  night, despite my anxiety of mind,  I
   slept well—I went  to  sleep with Norah's name on my
    The next day I arrived at Carnaclif about mid-day.  I
   found that Dick had taken Andy to Knockcalltecrore.
   I waited until it was time to leave, and then started off.
   About half a mile from the foot of the boreen I went
   and  sat  in a clump  of  trees, where  I could not be
   seen, but from which I could watch the road  ; and pre-
   sently saw Dick passing along on Andy's  car.  When
   they had quite gone out of sight, I went on my way to
   the Cliff Fields.
    I went with mingled feelings.  There was hope, there
   was joy at the remembrance of yesterday, there was ex-
   pectation that I would see her again—even though the
   result might be unhappiness, there was doubt, and there
   was a horrible, haunting dread. My knees shook, and I
   felt weak as I climbed the rocks.  I passed across the
   field and sat on the table-rock.
    Presently she came to join me.  With a queenly bear-
   ing she passed over the ground, seeming to glide rather
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