Page 245 - The snake's pass
P. 245

             BOG-FISHING AND SCHOOLING.  233
    one spadeful too much  in the right place and  you'll
    have a torrent that will sweep away  all you have.  I
    have told you that I don't  like the  locality  of your
    house down  in  the  hollow.  If the bog ever moves
    again, God help you  !  You seem  also  to have been
    tampering with  the stream  that runs  into  the  Cliff:
    Fields.  It is all very well for you to try to injure poor
    Joyce more than you have  done — and  that's  quite
    enough, God knows —but here you are actually im-
    perilling your own safety.  That stream  is the safety
    valve of the bog, and  if you continue to dam up that
    cleft  in  the  rock you  will  have a terrible  disaster.
    Mind now  !  I warn you  seriously against what you
    are  doing.  And  besides, you do not even know for
    certain  that  the  treasure  is  here.  Why,  it may be
    anywhere on the mountain, from the brook below the
    boreen to the Cliff Fields;  is the off chance worth the
    risk you run ? "  Murdock started when he mentioned
    the Cliff Fields, and then said suddenly:
     " If ye' re afraid ye can go.  I'm not."
     " Man alive  " said Dick, " why not be afraid if you
    see cause for fear ?  I don't suppose I'm a coward any
    more than you are, but I can see a danger, and a very
    distinct one, from what you are doing.  Your house  is
    directly in the track in which the bog has shifted at
    any time this hundred years  ; and  if there should be
    another movement,  I would  not  like  to  be  in  the
    house when the time comes."
     " All right  ! " he  returned  doggedly,  " I'll take me
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