Page 290 - The snake's pass
P. 290
When, some miles on our road, we came to a long
stretch of moorland, I told Andy to stop till we got
off. This being done, I told him to go on and wait
for us at the next house, as we wished to have a walk.
" The nixt house ? " queried Andy, " the very nixt
house ? Must it be that same ?
" No, Andy ! " I answered, " the next after that will
do equally well, or the third if it is not too far off.
Why do you want to change ?
" Well, yer 'an'r, to tell ye the thruth there's a girrul
at the house beyant what thinks it's a long time on the
road I am widout doin' anythin' about settlin' down,
an' that its time I asked her fortin, anyhow. Musha
but it's afeerd I am to shtop there, fur maybe she'd
take advantage iv me whin she got me all alone, an'
me havin' to wait there till yez come. An' me so
softhearted, that maybe I'd say too much or too little."
" Why too much or too little ?
" Faix settled down
! if I said too much I might be
before the month, was out ; an' if I said too little I