Page 31 - The snake's pass
P. 31

             THE LOST CROWN OF GOLD.   19 '
   Achill Head  is made from their bones."  Here Andy
    cut in:
     "But, Jerry, you haven't tould us  if the King iv the
    Shnakes wint too."
     " Musha  but  in a hurry ye  How can I
           !   it's          are.
    tell ye  the whole  laygend  at wanst;  an',  moreover,
    when me mouth  is that dhry I can hardly spake at
    all—an' me punch is all dhrunk
     He turned his glass face down on the table, with an air
    of comic resignation.  Mrs. Kelligan took the hint and
    refilled his glass whilst he went on  :
     " Well  ! whin the shnakes tuk to say-bathin' an' forgot
    to come in to dhry themselves, the ould King iv thim
    sunk down agin into the lake, an' Saint Pathrick rowls
    his eyes, an' sez he to himself  :
     " Musha   it dhramin'
            !  is       I am, or what ?  or  is  it
    laughin'  at me he  is ?  Does he mane to  defy me ?
    An' seein' that no notice was tuk iv him at all, he lifts
    his crozier, and calls out  :
     "        ! You                !
      ' Hi ! Here  ! Come here  ! I want ye —As he
    spoke,  Jerry went through  all the pantomime  of the
    occasion, exemplifying by every movement the  speech
    of both the Saint and the Snake.
     " Well  thin the King iv the Shnakes puts up
          !                            his
    head, out iv the lake, an' sez he  :
     "'Who calls?'
     "                     an' he was  so much
      ' I  do,'  says  Saint Pathrick,
    mulvathered at the Shnake presumin' to  sthay, afther
    he tould thim  all  to  go, that  for  a while  he didn't
    think  it quare that he could sphake at  all.
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