Page 355 - The snake's pass
P. 355

                 THE CATASTROPHE.      343
     night from a terrible danger.  His life mayhap may leaven
     the whole lump of filth and wickedness that went through
     the Shleenanaher into the sea last night  !
      We all said " Amen " again, and I have no doubt that
    we all meant it with all our hearts.
      Then I told again of Norah's brave struggle and how,
    by her courage and her strength, she took me out  of
    the very jaws of a terrible death.  She put one hand
    before her eyes—for I held the other close in mine—and
    through her fingers dropped her welling tears.
      "We sat silent for a while, and we felt that  it was only
    right and fitting when Joyce came round to her and laid
     his hand on her head and stroked her hair as he said  :
      " Ye have done well, daughter — ye have done well  !
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