Page 375 - The snake's pass
P. 375

                 THE FULFILMENT.    —  3G3
    other old friend also present, but I did not know it until
    I came out of the vestry, after signing the register, with
    my wife on my arm.
     There, standing modestly in the background, and with
    a smile as manifest as a ten acre  field, was none other
    than Andy—Andy so well dressed and smart that there
    was really nothing to distinguish him from any other
    man in Hythe.  Norah saw him first, and said heartily  :
     "Why, there  is Andy! How are you, Andy?" and
    held out her hand.  Andy took  it in his great  fist, and
    stooped and kissed  it as if  it had been a saint's hand
    and not a woman's  :
     " God bless and keep ye, Miss Norah darlin'—an' the
    Virgin and the  saints watch over ye both."  Then he
    shook hands with me.
     " Thank you, Andy !" we said both together, and then I
    beckoned Dick and whispered to him.
     We went back to breakfast in my rooms, and sat down
    as happy a party as could be—the only one not quite
    comfortable at first being Andy.  He and Dick both came
    in quite hot and flushed.  Dick pointed to him:
     " He's an obstinate, truculent villain, is Andy.
                                    Why, I
    had to almost fight him to make him come  in.  Now,
    Andy, no running away—it  is Miss Norah's will!" and
    Andy subsided bashfully into a seat.  It was fully several
    minutes before he either smiled or winked. We had a
    couple of hours to pass before  it became time to leave
    for Folkestone; and when breakfast was  over, one and
    then another said a few kindly words.  Dick opened the
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