Page 79 - The snake's pass
P. 79

   they have. in this part of the world is to find a place that
   is not bog.  However, about the shifting bog on Knock-
   calltecrore, I can, perhaps, help you as much as any one.
   As you know, geology has been one  of my favourite
   studies, and  lately I have taken  to investigate  in my
   spare time the phenomena of  this very  subject.  The
   bog at Shleenanaher is most interesting.  As yet, how-
   ever, my investigation can only be partial, but very soon
   I shall have the opportunity which I require."
    " How  is that ? " I asked.
     "The difficulty arises," he answered, "from a local feud
   between two men, one of them my employer, Murdock,
   and his neighbour, Joyce."
    " Yes," I interrupted, " I know something of  it.  I
   was present when the  sheriff's assignment was shown
   to Joyce, and saw the quarrel.  But how does  it affect
   you and your study ?
    "This way; the bog is partly on Murdock' s land and
   partly on Joyce's, and until I can investigate the whole
   extent I cannot come to a definite conclusion.  The feud
   is so bitter at present that neither man will allow the
   other to set foot over his boundary—or the foot of any
   one to whom the other is friendly.  However, to-morrow
   the exchange of lands is to be effected, and then I shall be
   able to continue my investigation.  I have already gone
   nearly all over Murdock' s present ground, and after to-
   morrow I shall be able to go over his new ground— up
   to now forbidden to me."
     "How does Joyce take his defeat?"
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