Page 95 - The snake's pass
P. 95


                 CHAPTER V.
                ON KNOCKNACAE,

    When Sutherland and I had finished dinner that evening
    we took up the subject of bogs where we had left  it in
    the morning.  This was rather a movement of my own
    making, for I felt an awkwardness about touching on
    the special subject of the domestic relations of the in-
    habitants of Knockcalltecrore.  After several interesting
    remarks, Dick said  :
     " There  is  one  thing  that  I  wish  to  investigate
    thoroughly,  the  correlation  of bog and  special  geo-
    logical formations."
     " For instance ? " said I,
     "Well,  specially with regard to  limestone.  Just at
    this part of the country I find  it almost impossible to
    pursue the investigation any more than Van Troil could
    have pursued snake studies in Iceland."
     " Is  there no limestone  at  all  in  this part of the
    country ? "  I queried.
     " Oh yes, in lots of places, but as yet I have not been
    able to find any about here.  I say  ' as yet ' on purpose,
    because  it seems to me that there must be some  on
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