Page 1 - The Bible Online Lesson CC01
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Patterned after the 1977 Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course Updated by The Bible Fund editors, 2007
(Letter from the Editor)
Dear Friends,
Greetings and welcome to our growing family of students of the Bible Online Study Course!
Some years ago, there was a Bible Correspondence Course that was practical, methodical and that made the study of God’s Word a real joy! Then, due to some tragic circumstances, the study of the Bible was actually discouraged and the Course was discontinued. But now, with the help of the Almighty God, that course is being revived - and you have the opportunity to be among the first to enroll in this unique and priceless study! It is unique because there is no subject on earth more timely and worthwhile than this one – and it is priceless because no amount of money could ever be exchanged for God’s truth (Acts 20:35). Yes, we are offering you this fabulous course at no cost to you – FREE of charge.
The first lesson is packed with the most exciting and powerful knowledge anyone can ever know: the knowledge of the PURPOSE of human existence! Is the Bible relevant in this Information Age? The brightest minds, the wealthiest and most powerful people on earth do not know and CANNOT have the key to this knowledge. It has been sealed and kept from mankind in general – except for those relatively few who are willing to humble themselves before the Creator God and yield themselves to be taught by Him through His Spirit (Isaiah 66:2). In this lesson you will learn that after the time of great trouble just ahead of us, there is coming a wonderful world ushering in 1,000 years of peace, and a happy eternity thereafter.
This is a totally new and different kind of Bible study course. It will thrill, excite and challenge you – lead you to understand the meaning of world events and the purpose being worked out here below.
Have you ever wondered what present world conditions really mean? Where is the depletion of our natural resources leading? What will be the final outcome of the crisis in the Middle East? How will global terrorism affect mankind? Why so much chaos and confusion in the world today?
What does the future hold? Are there solutions to these seemingly insoluble problems?
What is the way to world peace – the way to freedom from fear and worry, poverty, sickness, unhappiness?
And why was man put here in the first place? Were you, as an individual, put here for a purpose? If so, WHAT is that purpose? Why were you born?

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