Page 12 - E-Module_English for Elementary School 4_Ida Ayu Cantika Cahya Putri
P. 12


                                                           You  use  expressions  of  congratulating  when

                                                           you give congratulation utterances to someone

                                                           that  is  succeed  in  achieving  something.  Here
                       Figure 3. Congratulating            are  some  examples  of  expressions  of
                        Source: google. images

                       Expressions of Giving Congratulations                        Responses
              Congratulations!                                          Thank you so much.

              Congrats!                                                 Thanks.

              Good job! Congratulation on winning the marathon race.    Thanks a lot.
              Congrats! I’m so proud of you.                            Thank you, you’re so kind.

              Congratulations for your success.                         It’s nothing.
              I would like to congratulate you on…

              I must congratulate you…

              Happy Birthday!
              Happy Graduation!

                                                      WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

                                            The purpose of learning congratulations in

                                               English is so that we can congratulate
                                            someone in various situations for their luck

                                                            and achievements.

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