Page 6 - E-Module_English for Elementary School 4_Ida Ayu Cantika Cahya Putri
P. 6
A. Title Description
In this discussion, the teaching material that will be given is about Expressions of
Compliments and Expressions of Congratulations. The material for Expressions of
Compliments and Expressions of Congratulations for grade 4 Elementary school is
very important to understand so that students have the goal of saying positive things.
Congratulating is a suitable expression when you want to congratulate. While
complimenting is an expression used to praise or give flattery to others. In addition to
explanations and vocabulary, in this description, examples of sentences and dialogues
will also be given. This dialogue is shown for children to know how to pronounce it and
how to respond to it. So that besides learning what words are in English, you can also
directly learn about example sentences and their implementation in everyday
pronunciation. The material on Expressions of Compliments and Expressions of
Congratulations for grade Elementary School is very important to give. By providing
this material, it is hoped that students will also understand more easily. For this reason,
this discussion will provide every detail of this material that is necessary or important
to teach.
B. Precondition
In order to understand this module, you are expected to have read the material on
"Expressions of Compliments and Expressions of Congratulations". In addition, try to
understand the function and purpose of this material. If you have fulfilled these
prerequisites, then you will be able to learn and implement "Expressions of
Compliments and Expressions of Congratulations".