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                                                                                                                                                  ST EP
        SAL ES T R AI N I N G - D AY  4

                                               Why They Are In a Preferred Category

                                  Relocation Manager: “The good news though is this: the very things that make

                                  you a target for burglars also make you ADT’s most desired customer. That’s why

                                  they send us out to follow back up on the closing. You see, we know two things

                                  about you. First, you’re just starting your time in the home- that’s our most desired

                                  customer! Second, we know because you’re a new homeowner you probably pay

                                  your bills and take care of business, or you wouldn’t be a new homeowner. We

                                  know if we can earn your business now, you’re not going to be a hassle to do

                                  business with. That’s why we’ll do things for you we won’t do for other

                                  homeowners. That’s why I came to see you and not one of your neighbors.”

            Explain the difference between the standard ADT System
            and your unique role as a Relocation Manager
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