Page 5 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
P. 5

A Beer style we present in our series...
                                                                                                                episode 1
              Belgian-Style Tripel

              Color: Pale to pale gold

              Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures.
              Tradi onal  Tripels  are  bo le  condi oned  and  may
              exhibit slight yeast haze. However, yeast should not
              be inten onally roused.

              Perceived  Malt  Aroma  &  Flavor:  Low  sweetness
              from very pale malts should be present. There should
              be no roasted or dark malt character.

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low, if present

              Perceived Bi erness: Medium to medium-high

              Fermenta on  Characteris cs:  A  complex,
              some mes  mildly  spicy,  aroma  and  flavor
              characterize this style. Clove-like phenolic aroma and
              flavor  may  be  very  low.  Fruity  esters,  including
              banana,  are  also  common,  but  not  required.
              Tradi onal Tripels are o en well a enuated. Alcohol
              strength and flavor should be present.
                                                                selected Breweries, pubs and stores...
              Body: Medium
                                                                          Brouwerij `t IJ
                                                                Funenkade 7, 1018 AL Amsterdam;
              Addi onal  notes:  Head  should  be  dense  and
              mousse-like. Brewing sugar may be used to lighten   www.brouwerijhe

              the body. Hop/malt character should be balanced.
              The overall beer flavor may finish sweet, though any             De Biertuin
              sweet finish should be light.                      Prinsengracht 494, 1017 KH Amsterdam

              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 5.6%-8.0% (7.1%-10.1%)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 20-45                                   Sterk Amsterdam
              Color SRM (EBC) 4-7 (8-14 EBC)                    De Clercqstraat 7, 1053 AA Amsterdam
              See Copyright-note on page 57

                                                                Sarpha park 1, 1073 CN Amsterdam

                                                                          Shop De Prael
                                                                Oudezijds Voorburgwal 30, 1012 GD Amsterdam
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