Page 2 - E-Module English for Elemantary School Grade 4
P. 2


                       All praise be to Ida Sang Yang Widi Wasa, God Almighty for His mercy
               and grace so that the author can complete the E-Module. Don't forget to also
               say thank you and greetings hopefully always bestowed upon ISYWW, because
               of his blessings, we are able to get out of the darkness towards a brighter path.

               We also express our gratitude to those who support the smooth running of this
               E-  Modul  from  the  writing  process  to  the  Publishing  process,  namely  our
               parents, our colleagues, publishers, and many more that we cannot mention one
               by one. .

                       Meanwhile,  we  have  finished  making  our  module  entitled  'English  for
               Elementary school Grade 4' in the best possible way so that it is of benefit to
               readers  who  need  information  and  knowledge about management  information

                       This Module, it is written about the Name's of Hobby, the Expression of
               asking someone’s hobby, How to use the expression of asking someone's hobby

               and How to describe it. Given the importance of English for us in the future.
               We  are  aware  that  there  are  still  many  omissions  and  mistakes  that  are  of
               course far  from perfect  about  thism  Module.  Therefore, we  ask  readers  to
               provide  criticism  and  suggestions  for  this  textbook  work  so  that  we  can
               continue to improve the quality of the book.

                       Thus  we  have  created  this  E-module,  with  the  hope  that  readers  can
               understand the information and also gain insight into vocabulary about hobbies
               and be able to describe hobbies and be useful for society  in a  broad sense.
               Thank you.

                                                                      Singaraja, December 20 ,2022

                                                                                 Ni Kadek Ita Tristiani

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