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Oil isn't just anywhere. In some places, it's in the ground. In others, including Argentina, it's in rock—namely, a
type of sedimentary rock called shale. Shale can contain biological materials. These can be the fossils of
dinosaurs and other once-living things that became petroleum (oil) over time. The petroleum was trapped in
the shale as it formed.
Argentina's Neuquén Basin is located in the Patagonia region. It's home to the shale formation you read about.
It's the largest shale formation outside of the U.S. And it contains oil.
That's good for oil and gas companies. It's also good for the fuel customers of the world. Shale oil and natural
gas could be used instead of crude oil, which is drilled from the ground. It could also help Argentina's economy.
Some people could become wealthy.
But are the oil and money more valuable than the environment? In "Oil for the Taking," you read about fracking.
This involves forcing water, sand, and chemicals deep into the shale at a high pressure. This pressure creates
cracks in the shale. The oil and gas get released. Environmentalists (and some governments, which have banned
fracking in their countries) have several concerns about fracking. One concern is that the chemicals involved
could pollute local groundwater. Fracking also releases pollutants into the air, which has caused concerns about
air quality. Another concern is that the fracking process can cause earthquakes. Drilling into rock doesn't cause
quakes. But getting rid of the wastewater that results from fracking can. That's because it involves drilling the
wastewater deep into the ground.
critical (adjective) very important
economic (adjective) having to do with making money
impact (noun) effect
source (noun) where something comes from