Page 28 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 28

Lesson  7


                                                       Sahara Desert

                                                       The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest

                                                       desert. In fact, it is almost as large as the

                                                       United States of America. It also has the
                                                       harshest climate in the world because of its

                                                       extreme  temperature.  Daytime  temperature
                                                       can rise as high as 58 degrees! So when I say

                                                       that the day makes me feel I’m in the Sahara
                                                       Desert, I mean to say that it’s very hot!


               * A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares seemingly unrelated
               objects by taking on the form of “the (subject) is (metaphor).” Qualities of the
               subject are enhanced by the similar qualities of the metaphor.
                       ► The world is a stage.
                       ► To grasp a concept.                                                 Keywords
                       ► Throwing light on a question.
                                                                                           large / desert /
                     Questions                                                              temperature

               1. What is a desert?
               2. Do you know where we can find the Sahara Desert?
               3. What about Antarctica? Do you know where it is?
               4. What’s the hottest temperature in your country?
               5. Which kind of weather would you prefer, hot or cold? Why?

                                                                                          Vocabulary &
                     Sample Answers                                                        Expressions
                                                                                     Temperature: a measure of
               1. A desert is a place where no one can live.                         the warmth or coldness of
               2. Yes, I think it’s in Africa.                                       an object or substance with
               3. Antarctica is a continent in the South Pole.                       reference to some standard
               4. I think it’s about 35 degrees.                                     Desert: any area in which

               5. I think I like being in the cold more because                      few forms of life can exist
                                                                                     because of lack of water,
                   I don’t like hot weather.                                         permanent frost, or
                                                                                     absence of soil.

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