Page 56 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 56

Lesson  14



                                                        Beauty is skin deep.
                                                        What  makes  a  person  beautiful?  For  most

                                                        people,  especially  among  women,  you  can
                                                        only be pretty if you’re slim, tall, have smooth

                                                        skin, eyes shaped like that of a doe’s, a point-
                                                        ed nose like Barbie’s, and great shapely legs.

                                                        But still, there are some people who have dif-
                                                        ferent standards. What about you? What is a

                                                        beautiful person for you?


               *The second person perspective is used to direct attention to the person

               that the speaker is talking to.
                       ►   I saw you at the movies last night.
                       ►   Did you remember to do your homework?
                       ► Your votes outnumbered your opponent’s by a landslide.


               1. What is skin deep?                                                         Keywords

               2. Do you agree with the description of a
                   beautiful woman in the article? Why or why not?                     skin / shapely / different
               3. How would you describe yourself?
               4. Do you like the appearance of a Barbie doll?
               5. What do you think is the effect of one’s appearance on his or her self?

                     Sample Answers                                                     Vocabulary &

               1. Skin deep refers to outward appearances.                         Shapely: having a pleasing
               2. Yes, because first impressions are very                          shape, esp. with reference to
                   important for most people.                                      a woman’s figure
                                                                                   Skin: the external covering or
               3. I am just an average person.                                     integument of an animal body,
               4. Only a little because it’s too perfect.                          esp. when soft and flexible
               5. I think that if a person thinks that she is pretty,
                   she will be more confident.

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