Page 2 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 2

Chapter 1 Self Introduction

                   Unit 1: Introduction

          Let us begin the interview. Please introduce yourself. Briefly discuss what you do at

              Answer A:
               Hello. My name is Sun-hee Kim. You can call me Sunny. I am 21 years old. I am currently living
               in Daegu, which is famous for apples. I am a university student majoring in Journalism. I write
               articles for the school magazine. I love doing my task in school. It is difficult but enjoyable. I
               dream of becoming a newspaper writer or maybe a news anchor one day. I also like to publish
               a book. I will study and work hard to achieve it.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Start with your name when introducing yourself.
                           [example: My name is Sun-hee Kim.]
                   - try to provide a nickname if possible

                   Give more personal information like:
                   - age or birthday
                           [example: I am 21 years old.]
                   - place of residence or hometown
                           [example: I am currently living in Daegu]
                           [example: You may describe the place a little.]

                   State what you do for a living and give details about it.
                           [example: I am a university student majoring in Journalism.]

                   Give a little information about your dreams for the future.
                           [example: I dream of becoming a newspaper writer]
                   - State what you can do to achieve it.


                currently - at this moment
                famous - well-known
                majoring - studying a major in college or university
                articles - pieces of writing
                task - job; chore
                news anchor - one who delivers the news on TV or radio
                achieve - accomplish; realize

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