Page 2 - PowerE-L01-A
P. 2

How to use this book

             1  Dialogue                           Good
              Good morning
              A: Good morning. How are you?        Good
              B: I’m fine. And you?                morning
              A: Fine, thank you.
              B: I’m Peter. What’s your name?
              A: My name is Jane.
             2  Expressions                  3  Practice

              - Good morning.                 A: Good morning!
              - Good afternoon.               B: Good _______!
              - Good evening.
                                              A: How ___ ___?
              - How are you?                  B: Fine.
                  = How are you doing?
                  = How are things (with you)?   A: Nice to see you.
                  = How is everything (with you)?  B: ____ to see you, too.



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