Page 53 - PowerE-L04-A
P. 53


                   Match Column A with Column B

                                  A                                                 B

                          1.   convey                                 a. communication by

                                                                          publication or broadcast

                          2.   expression                             b. reasonable, realistic

                          3.   mass media                             c. narration, explanation

                          4.   sensible                               d.  to express emotion

                          5.   emote                                  e. to express message


                   Choose the right word that would complete the sentence.

                   1.   Observe (silence, silent) while classes are going on.

                   2.   Do not talk while your mouth is (fill, full, filling).

                   3.   Speak (kind, kindly) even to your enemies.

                   4.   She talks (very, too,) much even it does not make sense.

                   5.   Silent waters (run, running, runs) deep.

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