Page 77 - PowerE-L04-A
P. 77


                   Match Column A with Column B

                                  A                                          B

                          1.   forecast                               a. very cold

                          2.   chilly                                 b. cloudy

                          3.   monsoon                                c.  predict

                          4.   foggy                                  d.  any wind that changes
                                                                           directions with the seasons

                          5.   thunderstorm                           e. a storm with strong
                                                                          rain and winds


                   Write “I” if the underlined word is incorrect, and “C” if it
                   is correct.

                   _______1.   The wind was blow so cold yesterday.

                   _______2.   Take off your jacket.

                   _______3.   Bring you’re umbrella with you.

                   _______4.   Its going to be a fine day.

                   _______5.   I saw the whether report this morning.

   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82