Page 84 - PowerE-L04-A
P. 84


                Lesson 1
               	 Vocabulary					p.3                             	 Grammar					p.11
                    1. article                                       1. My wife gave birth to our new baby.
                      A. word placed before a particular or non-particular noun         [use a single subject to agree with the verb and object in the sentence]
                    2. nouns                                         2. Mother cooked dinner last night. [the action already took place]
                      A. words that refer to names of people, places, things, events       3. Your husband is a funny man.
                    3. pronoun                                         [ use the indefinite article “a” for single nouns that start with a consonant sound.]
                      A. a word that takes the place of a noun       4. I would like to see your home. [use an auxiliary verb that suggests a request]
                    4. verb                                          5. Grandfather went fishing this morning. [use a gerund as an object for the verb]
                      A. a word that shows action in the sentence
                    5. adjective                                	 Exercises					p.12
                      A. a word that describes nouns and pronouns       1. Your brother’s son is your NEPHEW.
                                                                     2. Your sister’s daughter is your NIECE.
                 Grammar					p.3                                     3. Your uncle’s son is your COUSIN.
                    1. Did you _______ the house this morning? b. clean       4. Your husband is your parent’s SON-IN-LAW.
                      [use the base form of a verb when using the past tense        5. Your brother’s wife is your SISTER-IN-LAW
                      of the auxiliary verb ‘do’  (did clean)]
                    2. I am ____eldest daughter in the family.  	 Reading	Comprehension					p.13
                      b. the [use a definite article for the superlative form of an adjective]       1. What do you call your mother’s brother?   B. uncle
                    3. That was a _____ movie.                       2. What do you call your father’s sister?   C. aunt
                      b. boring [use the present participle to describe the complement.]       3. What do you call your father’s father?   A. grandfather
                    4. Please, bring this letter ____ my uncle.       4. What do you call your mother’s mother?   C. grandmother
                      c. to [the action suggests movement to another place, so use “to”]       5. What is another word for family ties? C. A & B
                    5.  That was the man ____ stole my purse.          [kinship is another word for family ties or blood relations]
                      b. who [use a relative pronoun referring to a person]
                                                                 Lesson 4
                 Exercises					p.4
                    1. I am SURPRISED to see you.               	 Vocabulary					p.15
                    2. Study QUIETLY while you are in the library.        1. Susan sang a melodic tune.
                    3. She was absent BECAUSE she got sick.            A. musical
                    4. It is a place WHERE you will find peace.       2. I celebrate the Yuletide season simply.
                    5. People are having a hard TIME nowadays.         B. Christmas time
                                                                     3. Do you know the significance of Christmas?
                                                                       B. importance
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.5                       4. Rose prepares a sumptuous dinner for her family.
                    1. “Much, any, and some are _________.             A. extravagant
                      A. adjectives                                  5. The icicle is one of the current items used for decors.
                    2. “The”, “an”, and “a” are ________.              A. frozen water
                      A. articles
                    3. “At”, “in”, and “to” are examples of _________.
                      A. prepositions                           	 Grammar					p.15
                    4. “Do” and “is” are examples of ___________.       1. All family members _____ each other Merry Christmas.
                      A. linking verbs                                 A. greet [use the proper verb that agrees with the plural subject]
                    5. “Buy”, “eat”, and “walk” are examples of ___________.       2. She decorated her house with ________lights
                      A. action verbs                                  B. colorful [use an adjective to describe the object in the sentence]
                                                                     3. Mother is _______ turkey for dinner.
                                                                       B. cooking [is a present participle to form the progressive tense of the verb]
                Lesson 2                                             4. We are going ___ church on Christmas Day.
               	 Vocabulary					p.7                                    C. to [the action suggests movement towards a place, so use “to”]
                    1. I would like to have pickles in my burger.       5.The choir was singing __________.
                      A. something preserved in a brine or marinade         B. carols [use a noun as an object in the sentence]
                    2. Do not put to much pepper on your potatoes.
                      A. a pungent spice                          Exercises					p.16
                    3. Do you know any tongue twister?               1. Do you enjoy the Christmas Holiday?
                      A. a sequence of words difficult to pronounce         A. How do you feel during the Yuletide Season?
                    4. How do you pronounce this word?               2. The streets are filled with colorful lights and Christmas decors.
                      A. utter words or sounds                         A. The town is decorated with items that symbolize the Christmas season.
                    5. Give me the correct intonation of these terms.       3. What is the importance of Christmas Day?
                      A. pitch changes when reading words or sentences         A. It is a good time to have a family gathering.
                                                                     4. Why do people exchange gifts during Christmas Day?
               	 Grammar					p.7                                       B. People would like to express how they care for others.
                    1. I wish to wish the wish you wish to ____.       5. Aside from gifts, what other items can you share during this season?
                      A. wish [use the base form of a verb when forming the infinitive [to wish)]         A. Giving a handmade card would be a nice gift.
                    2. I scream, you scream, we all _____ for ice cream!
                      A. scream [use a plural verb to agree with the plural subject]  	 Reading	Comprehension					p.17
                    3. Six sleek swans swam ______ southwards.       1. People celebrate Christmas Day on __________.
                      A. swiftly [use an adverb to describe a verb]         A. December 25
                    4. When you write copy, you have the right to copyright the ____ you write.       2. Why is it the most important holiday of the year?
                      A. copy [a noun is needed here for an object]         A. it is an occasion for family gathering
                    5. How many cookies could a good cook ____, if a good cook could cook cookies?       3. What are the usual decoration people have in their homes?
                      A. cook [a verb is needed here]                  B. colorful lights
                                                                     4. What is the main dish for the occasion?
                 Exercises					p.8                                     B. turkey with gravy
                    1. She SELLS seashells by the seashore.          5. What else do people do during that day?
                    2. If I bake this bitter BUTTER, it would make my batter bitter.         B. exchange gifts
                    3. It would be BETTER to buy a good butter.
                    4. There are SEASHELLS by the seashore       Lesson 5
                    5. Mr. Tongue Twister trained his tongue to TWIST and turn.
                                                                  Vocabulary					p.19
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.9                         1. He has been a good athlete for 10 years.
                                                                      A. a person involved in sports
                    1. What did Peter Piper pick?   A. a peck of pickled pepper       2. I play tennis as a recreation every Saturdays.
                    2. Who picked pepper?   B. Peter Piper             C. A & B [recreation are special interests or amusements]
                    3. What amount of pepper did he pick?   A. a peck       3. Playing basketball is a competitive activity at school.
                    4. Describe the pepper. was pickled         A. willing to compete and succeed
                    5. Did the passage say where the pepper was?   A. No       4. Exercising everyday can relieve your tension.
                                                                       A. mental stress
                                                                     5. You can do some aerobics for 30 minutes.
                Lesson 3                                               C. A & B  [aerobics are dance exercises that are good for the heart and lungs]
               	 Vocabulary					p.11
                    1. I invited my relative for dinner.        	 Grammar					p.19
                      A. member of a family                          1. She plays volleyball everyday.
                    2. Do you have any paternal relatives living near you?         [the action is done regularly, so use the present tense]
                      A. related on the father’s side                2. Taking a 15-minute walk everyday is good for the heart.
                    3. They say that it is a maternal instinct to worry when your baby is crying.         [use a gerund as a subject in the sentence]
                      A. quality of a mother                         3. Would you like to play tennis with me this Friday night?
                    4. I have a kind father-in-law.                    [“with” means together or ‘in addition’]
                      A. the father of one’s husband or wife         4. My mom likes to go bowling this Saturday. [use ‘this’ to refer to a particular day]
                    5. I did not know my son-in-law was insane.        5. They awarded her as the best athlete for this year.
                      A. the husband of one’s daughter                 [use the objective form of the female pronoun]
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