Page 9 - PowerE-L04-A
P. 9


                   Choose the word/s that defines the underlined term.

                   1.   I would like to have pickles in my burger.
                          A. something preserved in a brine or marinade
                          B. something that is preserved in chocolate

                          C. something that is preserved in the refrigerator
                   2.   Do not put to much pepper on your potatoes.
                          A. a pungent spice
                          B. catsup
                          C. sugar
                   3.   Do you know any tongue twister?
                          A. a sequence of words difficult to pronounce
                          B. something curled
                          C. curling the tongue
                   4.   How do you pronounce this word?
                          A. utter words or sounds
                          B. reading words

                          C. write words
                   5.   Give me the correct intonation of these terms.
                          A. pitch changes when reading words or sentences
                          B. melody of a song
                          C. spelling of a word

                   Fill in the blank with the right word that would complete the


                   1.   I wish to wish the wish you wish to ____.
                          A. wish                      B. wishing                   C. wishes
                   2.   I scream, you scream, we all _____ for ice cream!
                          A. scream                    B. screaming                 C. screams
                   3.   Six sleek swans swam ______ southwards.
                          A. swiftly                   B. swift                     C. swifter
                   4.   When you write copy, you have the right to copyright the ____
                         you write.
                          A. copy                      B. copied                    C. copying
                   5.   How many cookies could a good cook ____, if a good cook could
                         cook cookies?
                          A. cook                      B. cooking                   C. cooker

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