Page 12 - PowerE-L01-C
P. 12

Lesson 05

           I’d like to stay home

               and watch television.

           * Dialogue

               A: Would you like to see a movie, Sophie?
               B: No, I went to see a movie last night.

               A: Well, would you like to go grab a cup of coffee?
               B: No, not really.
               A: Then would you like to come to my house?
               B: I’m sorry, but I don’t want to.
               A: What would you like to do then?

               B: I'd like to stay home and watch television.

           * Expressions

           - Would you like to ~ ?
             (= Do you want to ~ ?)
                ex. Would you like to go to a movie?
                                  take a walk?
                                  have coffee?
                                  try on this shirt?         Vocabulary &
           - I’d like to ~                               take a walk

            (= I want to ~)
                                                         try on
                ex. I’d like to go home.
                           read a newspaper.
                           have green tea.
                           go to Canada.

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