Page 27 - PowerE-L01-C
P. 27

* Practice
            A: Why are you _______ on the _______ machine?
            B: I'm trying to buy soda.

            A: What's the matter?
            B: I think I _______ my money.
            A: How much ________ you ________ in?
            B: Two quarters and a dime.
            A: You should ________ the number on the machine and ask
               _________ your money _________.

         * Review

                 lost   bang      operate   exchange      properly
              1) I’d like to __________ this for another color.
              2) I ________ my wallet.
              3) This computer isn’t working ___________.
              4) Don’t __________ the door!
              5) Do you know how to _________ this machine?

                How much did you put in?
              A. I put in 1 dollar.
              B. I like it a lot.
              C. I need 2 quarters.
              D. I put 1 dollar on the table.

             1) exchange, I, this, can, ?
             2) ask, your, for, back, money, don’t

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